The Top 10 Reasons Why Bloodsport is Van Damme’s Magnum Opus

Bloodsport Is Peak Van Damme. In 1988 Cannon Films would finally unleash a movie upon the world that had been sat on their shelves gathering...

The 10 Best Arnold Schwarzenegger Ultimate Action Movies!

The very best from UAMC legend Arnold Schwarzenegger! Whether it’s the pitch-perfect machismo of...

The 11 Greatest Chuck Norris Ultimate Action Movies

The Chuck Norris of Best Chuck Norris Movie Lists! In 1981, I nervously went up to the ticket window to purchase a ticket hoping I...

The 10 Best Jean-Claude Van Damme Fight Scenes

What's your all-time favorite Van Damme kick-out? From his villainy in No Retreat, No Surrender to his hardened brawling in The Bouncer, Jean-Claude Van Damme...

Sylvester Stallone’s Top 5 Movies About Arm Wrestling Truck Drivers

The most 'OVER THE TOP' arm wrestling truck driver action movies by Sylvester Stallone! The great Sylvester Stallone has a pretty ultimate action movie career....

Top 20 Cyborg B-Action Movies

Ranking the best cyborg sci-fi action films of all time. The success of films like The Terminator and Robocop triggered an avalanche of direct-to-video copycats....

9 Ultimate Facts About Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Predator

Arnold-approved Facts about his greatest role in Predator (1987). No ultimate action movie has aged as well as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s classic Predator (1987). The original...

10 Best Action Movies Streaming on Amazon Prime

Got Amazon Prime? Well then we got the hookup for some Ultimate Action Movie Club-approved classics! As a PSA to action movie fans all over...

10 Best Action Movies Streaming on Netflix

Here are some of our top Ultimate Action movie picks for March 2020. It’s officially time get your stream on o’clock here at the Ultimate...

A Wish for Death: Ranking The Original ‘Death Wish’ Movies

Because Charles Bronson Wishes Death On Us All The Death Wish movies hold a special place in my heart. My all time favorite action franchise in...