10 Best Action Movies Streaming on Netflix

Here are some of our top Ultimate Action movie picks for March 2020. It’s officially time get your stream on o’clock here at the Ultimate...

10 Best Action Movies Streaming on Amazon Prime

Got Amazon Prime? Well then we got the hookup for some Ultimate Action Movie Club-approved classics! As a PSA to action movie fans all over...

10 FREE Ultimate Action Movies Streaming on Vudu

All the top ultimate action movies currently streaming - FOR FREE - on the Vudu app. Tired of not knowing what action movies to watch?...

10 FREE Ultimate Action Movies Streaming on Tubi

Feeling quarantined? Here are the best action movies available to watch FREE on the Tubi app. For all those across the world that are sitting...

6 Tips for Storyboarding Action Films

So, you’ve watched a bunch of awesome action movies and you’re thinking “I wanna give that a go”. With some technical knowledge and proper...

7 Examples That Prove Stallone’s ‘Cliffhanger’ is Just ‘Die Hard’ on a Mountain

And why it might just be the best Die Hard ripoff of them all. We all love Sylvester Stallone. So don’t let this be any...

The Best ‘Ultimate Action’ Movies to Watch With Friends!

But, what is 'Ultimate Action' you say?? We all know that action movies are awesome. They have cool fight scenes. Great chases. And lots of...

The 7 Best Chuck Norris T-Shirts Online

Buy your Ultimate Action Chuck Norris t-shirts here today! Here at the Ultimate Action Movie Club, we love us some Chuck Norris. We love Chuck...
Top Michael Jai White Movies

The Top 10 Ultimate Michael Jai White Action Movies

Ranking the best and most ultimate from the great Michael Jai White! Few have made such an indelible mark within this generation of action cinema...

The Top 50 Action Gems of the Decade – 10-1

The Top 10 Best Action Movies of the Decade (2010 - 2019). This is it. After months of coordinating, collaborating, deliberating, and at times hyperventilating,...