UAMC Reader Survey: What Articles Are You Interested In?


You tell us what you want to read about on the Ultimate Action Movie Club website!

Generating quality content for the site takes time: brainstorming, writing, editing, proofreading, etc. While we enjoy the open-style format of the site (writers can craft posts on just about anything related to action movies without much pushback from the administrator), we generally don’t want to populate it with posts which nobody will be interested in reading.

On that note, we know that you obviously love action movies, and some of our articles are more wildly popular than others. For instance, we can post a well-written, 900-word synopsis of a lesser-known film from the 1990s and it would hardly draw any interest, but if we post something with Bloodsport in the article title, it’ll immediately draw attention to readers.

What makes the 80s and 90s action movies so ultimate?

For the Ultimate Action Movie Fans!

So, Ultimate Action Movie Club fans, we’d like your input! Based on the following list, which types of UAMC posts are you most interested in reading?

  • Reviews of well-known movies from the 1980s
  • Reviews of lesser-known movies from the 1980s
  • Reviews of well-known movies from the 1990s
  • Reviews of lesser-known movies from the 1990s
  • Reviews of well-known movies from the 21st century (after 2000)
  • Reviews of lesser-known movies from the 21st century (after 2000)
  • Interviews with movie actors, actresses, directors, writers, production crew, etc.
  • General posts related to action movies (top movies of one actor, quotes, trivia, etc.)

Let us know your answers on our Facebook, Twitter or sub-Reddit!