TKO Productions recently just concluded its second block of filming for its debut feature film, the action-packed “Double Cross”.
Focusing on getting in as many of the action scenes as we could, I do believe it was a success.
The first scene we focused on was a fight scene of the two brothers (portrayed by myself and Blake Longshore) getting ambushed in a warehouse and us cleaning house in an epic showdown which turned into 2 separate 1-v-2 fights. Next, we went into a showdown between the two brothers which showed just how even matched they are in terms of skill, but shows the different mindsets of the two.
Last we worked on a very John Wick-esque home invasion fight scene with gunplay as well as fisticuffs.
Overall, this block of filming was very fun and very fulfilling to complete. We had the help of 5 stunt people without whom this movie would be a disaster. This film promises to set a new standard on how indie action movies are made.
Be on the lookout for our first teaser trailer expected to drop in the coming weeks, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy this look behind the scenes of the action masterpiece!
“Double Cross” stars Braden D. White, Blake Longshore, Ethic DeJaun, Temre K. Morgan, Amielynn Woodall, and Craig Blacklock
Directed by David H. Feguson
Produced by Braden D. White, Robb Antequera, and Dayna Kay White