The master himself breaks down what makes his signature side-kick so ultimate!
Every Ultimate Action Movie Club star has their own signature move. Chuck Norris has his standing roundhouse kick. Sylvester Stallone has his famous Rocky uppercut. Jean-Claude Van Damme has his splits. And the up-and-coming UAMC-approved action star Scott Adkins has his signature side kick.
When performed properly in hits like Boyka: Undisputed, Accident Man or Avengement, Adkins’ standing side kick packs one of the most powerful knock-out moves in the industry. So, let’s take a lesson from the action star himself as he demonstrates the proper technique.
The Scott Adkins SideKick
I’m not one to claim to be a martial arts expert, but this is actually pretty cool to see Adkins break his process down for this room of very-lucky pupils. As Adkins explains, his adapted version has improved upon what you might expect a side kick to look like.
Instead of going straight up with your attacking leg, then out, Adkins shows how he uses his momentum moving forward continuously up and through the kick and into the contact.
You can see for yourself the difference this creates in the video above as the force is definitely much more once Adkins begins to demonstrate his preferred technique.
Punch With Your Feet
What I really like about this goes back to the old martial arts adage of “kick with your fists, punch with your feet.” This mentality can be seen across Adkins’ work as he is one of the leading action stars who can perform a great variety of martial arts feats.
Adkins, who got his start in the industry with stunt work is certainly no amateur. He is a highly trained martial arts who has worked his butt off for years not just in his craft, but also in his action movie career – which has been a solid stream of under-the-radar hits.
B-Movie Gems to A-List Star
It almost goes without saying at this point here at the Ultimate Action Movie Club, but if there’s any modern action movie star that best embodies all the styles and characteristics of a 1980s/1990s action movie star, it’s the athletic and charismatic Scott Adkins.
And while he should already be considered an A-lister in our book, mainstream audiences shouldn’t be far behind at this point. Hopefully once he does reach A-list status he can still continue to be a great teacher for up-and-coming martial arts youths and future aspiring action stars!