Home Lists 10 FREE Ultimate Action Movies Streaming on Vudu

10 FREE Ultimate Action Movies Streaming on Vudu

10 FREE Ultimate Action Movies Streaming on Vudu

All the top ultimate action movies currently streaming – FOR FREE – on the Vudu app.

Tired of not knowing what action movies to watch? Well let us here at the Ultimate Action Movie Club help ya out. Because we know action! And not just regular action, but ULTIMATE action. We’re talking about those classics from the 1980s and 1990s, when action movies were awesome. And just because you might not have all your VHS anymore, here are some options online.

Today we’re looking at the best ultimate action movies streaming on Vudu, which is an app that you can download on your Roku, Amazon Fire stick, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, TiVO or anything else just searching it or following the link here!

Note: while you can make a paid account for new releases, these are a list of the FREE MOVIES which you can access by simply creating a free account and skipping the payment section. Do it online here!

Looking for more Ultimate Action Movie Streaming Options, check out some our full list below:

So, let’s take a look at some UAMC-approved action classics to give ya a nice and ultimate kick in the head.

Lethal Weapon (1987) ft. Mel Gibson & Danny Glover

We have to start with one of the best action movies of all time! Mel Gibson and Danny Glover in the original Lethal Weapon. Not only is this the best buddy cop movie of all time, it might just be the best action movie of all time. (It’s also our pick for the best Christmas movie of all time!) Richard Donner directs this Shane Black script to perfection and it is every bit deserving of its sequels and a watch here now today. Watch it here!

Lethal Weapon 2 – 4 (1989 – 1998)

Bonus! Vudu is actually currently streaming all the sequels! And while Lethal Weapon 2 might be the best of the lot outside of the original (you disagree? Well then respond in the comments!) we have to absolutely recommend that you stream them all over and over again until your brain melts in UAMC-ultimateness. Watch it here!

Point Break (1991) ft. Keanu Reeves & Patrick Swayze

My personal favorite on this list. And in fact, I’d argue my favorite ultimate action movie of all time. We have Point ‘M-F-ing’ Break streaming on the Vudu app! There are no better performances by the likes of UAMC greats Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves and Gary Busey. And man, the action direction from Kathryn Bigelow is on that next level. Seriously, put this on now! Watch it here!

How ‘Point Break’ Perfectly Balances Ironic and Sincere Awesomeness

Point Blank (1998) ft. Mickey Rourke

No, Point Blank is not a sequel to Point Break. It’s its own unique animal starring literal animal Mickey Rourke at his action movie peak. This is what UAMC is all about, these under-the-radar lower budget B-movie actioners that slap harder than they have any business slapping. Plus we have Danny Trejo – what more do you want! Watch it here!

Mickey Rourke Takes on Danny Trejo in ‘Point Blank’ (1998)

Lone Wolf McQuade (1983) ft. Chuck Norris

One of the members of our UAMC hall of fame, Chuck Norris deserves no introduction. YET, if you haven’t seen him in Lone Wolf McQuade, I’d argue that you haven’t seen the man at all. As Ranger J.J. McQuade (yes, he’s a Texas Ranger), we have Chuck in his most ultimate form as he single-handedly creates the ultimate action movie tradition as he blends western cowboy, action movie cop and martial arts master all at the same time. Watch it here!

The Top 100 Ultimate Action Movies of All Time

Starship Troopers (1997)

Forget Star Wars, Starship Troopers is the greatest ultimate action sci-fi movie of all time! There so much to love about this space war saga brought to us by Robocop stalwarts director Paul Verhoeven and writer Edward Neumeier. These dudes know action! They also know satirical comedy, great characters and some of the best effects that have actually aged quite ultimately. Watch it here!

Starship Troopers: A Hilarious (Yet Low-Key Chilling) Action Satire

Kickboxer 2 (1991) ft. Sasha Mitchell

Probably gonna get some fists thrown our way for this one, but in light of actually watching the Jean-Claude Van Damme classic Kickboxer (which you should do!), Vudu offers a very surprisingly great alternative as well. Kickboxer 2 stars Sasha Mitchell in lieu of JCVD, but still very much kicks just as much ass. Watch it here!

3 Ways Kickboxer 2 is Better Than the Original Kickboxer

Last Man Standing (1996) ft. Bruce Willis

Everything about Last Man Standing is awesome on paper. Bruce Willis plus Walter Hill in a prohibition-era remake of a Akira Kurosawa’s Yojimbo, plus throw-ins Christopher Walken and Bruce Dern. That should be a mega-franchise! For whatever reason, it didn’t become a box office hit. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t appreciate some Willis / Hill greatness in what is always an enjoyable feature. Watch it here!

5 Underappreciated Action Movies of the 1990s

Surviving the Game (1994) ft. Ice-T

Oh man, I can’t really explain this movie in one paragraph. So much of what makes Surviving the Game great is the performances. We have a UAMC all-star cast pitting Ice-T up against Garey Busey, Rutger Hauer and that jealous composer dude from Amadeus. Man might be the deadliest game, but Ice-T is the most ultimate version of the hunter turning into the hunted. Watch it here!

Man is The Best Prey in Surviving The Game (1994)

Knightriders (1981) ft. Ed Harris

So… Knightriders is a movie that you kinda just have to see to believe. George A. Romero creates a story that – almost 40 years later – feels so fresh, different and ridiculous that it’s worth seeing just for the concept: medieval jousting knights, but on motorcycles. Boom! What? And it’s not a horror! It’s a drama / action movie. Watch it here!

Knightriders: Remembering George A. Romero’s Motorcycle Renaissance Film

Other Action Movies on VUDU

That’s just our shortlist. There are plenty of other ultimate options on Vudu currently. All for free – with ads. Check out some more selections below.

  • Hands of Stone
  • Top Dog
  • Ronin
  • Snake Eater
  • Rock n’ Rolla
  • Mr. Nice Guy 
  • Wraith
  • The Patriot
  • Seeking Justice
  • Navy Seals
  • Hercules in New York
  • Avenging Angelo
  • Hard Cash
  • Survivor
  • Maximum Impact
  • American Ninja 5
  • Assassination
  • American Kickboxer
  • American Kickboxer 2
  • Blood of Redemption